Thursday, July 2, 2009

Babuli..Still my prayers are there with you

Babuli is light to handle!!!To call,to spell & much more to place in heart.The typical odisha name (orissa is pronounced as odisha ter) 'Sushanta Muduli' is difficult .For me he was my favorite dealer service manager.Product of Rourkela ,the city famous for the steel plant.May be the steel plant reiterates the business potential but Rourkela is also famous for the tallest Hanuman idol in the world (update ur knowledge on history too dears). Id remember my days in 2007 where as a 'fresh campus recruited engineer' I used to consult him for a lot of my tech.queries & get the answers with a suffix of 'Sir".Approach him he'll welcome you with a grin.That grin from that too, a person with a body of an Australian beer ad.model makes you smile, at least a wicked one in return.
On my way back to Kolkata now, in the hunky Verna CRDI,caricatures of Babuli has flashed when my drivers head turned 125deg to ask "Saab woh Babuli ko philal kya hua".Lets recollect Anupam Ahuja pleading for Shiney Ahujas innocence.Even if Shiney has given the gestural support to himself getting convicted ;focus lamps still gaze at Anupam for no reasons( its a matter with hallow of sex, man !!!) My mind is getting perturb with a thought that none had been there to support innocent Babuli .May be the court has proved him murdered his wife & he may be inside bars now;but still I am strong at my heart"that grin couldnt do such a sin"
Its 8.30PM now & I could see the Aila swollen clouds coming back to West Bengal.What i can do for my friend now is to repend & get back to the present.Still my prayers are there with you & your innocence is immortal my friend


  1. I'm not here to add the flavour of philosophy to your posts. But, I can't stop writing something I heard recently about a culprit.
    "Every culprit is also a victim.."

  2. Well said kiran. and rakesh, where are you getting all these different faces of life? sometimes its touching deep

  3. Blessed are those whose innocent eyes,
    can touch upon the real and sublime,
    since beauty is not what one can always see,
    its a thought that lights up our destiny.
    So brighten your world with a thought divine,
    just look at life with a peaceful mind :) ..Thanks for one of my favourite blogger for these beautiful words
