I came to hear a campaign of the famous son of semi crack Menaka Gandhi ( I address her a semi crack since she had guided me not to bath my dog regularly as it may catch some skin disease!!! ) Varun Gandhi ( the new hindutva icon..what the bloody"_") was commenting on why he was put in bars for a simple comment & how a terrorist who had caused the death of lots can be given sympathy on judicial terms. Even i too support it.
Times Now news analyst Arnab Goswami threw a better light on this .He gave debate with political analysts & ex.secetries to get a solution. Kasab had even requested to offer him an area to do physical excersie near his cell to get rid of mental agony. Phewwwww mental agony for a barbarian?? Then what about the mental agony he had caused to the entire India?
I could hope for one thing atleast in future. SPGs dont waste your valuabel time to catch these criminals alive. Blow them up at the spot.Thats obivously jihad...the holy war
I could hope for one thing atleast in future. SPGs dont waste your valuabel time to catch these criminals alive. Blow them up at the spot.Thats obivously jihad...the holy war
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