I was really enthused about the budget 2010; for the fact that the bulky income tax burden I had born last year is going to relieve this year. It’s a well proven fact that the more you earn, the sky rocketing your expenses goes. Recently I’ve started wearing brands. If a stitched shirt had cost me 500 bucks earlier, now a ‘marco polo’ underwear costs the same.May be a mouth watering ‘ fish thali’ as a dinner had cost me Rs.25 in engineering days, now an ominous ‘Barista - coriander corn sandwich’ & ‘ cappuccino’ as an evening snack costs Rs.300. Why I listed my account of personal expenses is to concede you, how a Rs1.6 to 5 lakh category being taxed 10% have benefited me.
Ecstasies of this statement by the honorable finance minister reiterated so high in me that I started calculating how much I save on income tax this year at that very moment!! Yup more marco polos & brands on those savings.
The rest main highlights include subsidies being offered to boost the agriculture sector, same service tax & vat structure of 2009 getting followed this year too,the fact that Rs.4000 crore getting allotted for railways,more excise duty on cars,cigarettes & other tobacco products. The price of gold,four & two wheelers are about to gear up.India expects a GDP growth of 9% by 2012.All these this didn’t affect me much. Rather I was least bothered about those things!!
May be coz I am non smoker now & have no idea of buying a new car or bike this year. I am also not going to get married this year to buy any gold!!
I started rating this budget as one of best & Pranab Mukherjee’s turnkey to avoid a catastrophe in the upcoming legislative assembly elections in Bengal & north east next year. Those ratings turned to a disaster when the CNN IBN’s Rajdish Sardesai wicked smile cum words announced that sad news that “Yes,its all an am admis budget.Except the bitter part that oil prices are about to rise.That too, dear incredible India, from tonight”.
Oh ma god!!!!! My unicorn tanks is now running with simply a smell of petrol, as I am always happy to see the tanks dried up.Its a real bee bite on me as an increase of Rs.3 will again increase my expenses. That too for a bike enthusiast like me who never raises the bike below 5000 rpm.
A gain on income tax has been taxed as excise duty on petrol, man!! Hmm….still hopes are there that I can experiment on cab facility being provided by my company; may be in loss of my show on adrenaline boost through the whole way I ride the bike from home to my office.
I am still anxiously & positively awaiting a year where the budget will abolish income tax till about earning of Rs.15 lakh & a year where the cost on basic food commodities will get loosened up to 40% of current price
Dear Respectable Government, you don’t know how painful it is to find that you loose a part of what you’ve earned in the last financial year at the month of May every year & see your salary for May getting reduced to 20%!!It’s also pricking to see this money deducted from me getting utilized as BMW M-series for the union minister’s personal staff.Anyways Honorable Finance Minister, budget is frugal. It was so sorry to see the opposition abscond while you decipher the budget 2010 (it was record breaker even) .They too have to show something na?