I would go back to 2002 when my dad approached all 3 of us with an idea of constructing an new house.Even if my mom stood a little apprehend towards shifting to a village location the democratic majority had won the plan.My dad also added up that house will be a protean dream home.No wonder i stood insouciant as usual as i knew my dad being a scientist in a govt.organisation would always let his 'complicated thoughts' into it.
A few days later he came with the plan drawn from his heart & the uniqueness in it was the house will not have any wooden part.Within a wink of time my mom & myself showed our reprimand in the form of a grin, that house without wood, is impossible.Our brains obviously questioned about the doors & windows with designs infringed that every house boasts of. My dad a scientist in hydrology took his decision as a challenge & after 6 years that dream house has been bestowed with the honour of being in the 'Limca Book Of Records 'as the 1st house in India which doesnt having any wooden component be it the doors,windows or even furniture's used.
My dad who have always been my role model, by this has shown a beautiful lesson in front of me & my sis that how a vision will come come true if your interest & sincerity towards it is so rigid.
My dad who owns copyright behind designing,working & naming this sweet home "Woodnil" says that he has gone for this project not because he hates wood ,but a true love for trees & a vision to show the traditional minds that we need not cut a portion of forests to build houses. Without using wooden components the construction costs also will come down a lot.
Ive never got much chance to sit on those traditional "concrete charupadis" (charupadis are those special protruded structures towards the courtyard in houses at Kerala with a purpose of resting).Nevertheless whenever i be at our Woodnil the breeze blowing though the Kakkat temple towards our charupadis reminds me a lesson that anything will be possible if the interest is genuine packed by sincere hard work!!!!